Spartan Races

So I've done a total of...6 Spartan races.

Sacramento Beast

Aloha Stadium Sprint
Trifecta Weekend (Sprint Super Beast)

Aloha Stadium Sprint
Pending: Trifecta weekend (Sprint Super Ultra Beast)

All of them have a been a unique and amazing experience. I am a hardcore believer in Spartan Race and everything it stands for. I also have Joe De Sena's book Spartan Up! and I recommend it to anyone who is looking to improve their fitness and health.

August 2014 was the first Trifecta Weekend in Spartan Race history. They offered all 3 races in one weekend. It was a huge challenge and I don't think a race has left me so tired and in so much pain before in my life. But the (literal) blood, sweat and tears was totally worth it in the end as it allowed me to accomplish my 2014 Goal of getting my trifecta medal. Then in December at the Marathon Expo Spartan Race answered my prayers again. My 2015 goal was to do the Spartan Ultra Beast but I had no idea how I could afford to get to Vermont to do it. But come to find out at the expo they are bringing it here to Hawaii for the 2nd Trifecta Weekend! Thank you Spartan race! But someday I still want to participate in the Ultra Beast at its original course. Killington, VT. #ChallengeAccepted haha (yes I know its not actually Hash tagged).

 (This is from Xterra but the Trifecta weekend was held in this location as well)

 (Only 2 races left to go...)

(I failed at trying to put the medals together)


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